Saturday, September 30, 2006

Pork Loin Cutlets or Chicken Breasts in Lemon-Cucumber white sauce

This sauce has a wonderfully delicate combination of cucumber and lemon flavors.

3 TBS Butter
3 TBS Flour
1/2 Medium Cucumber – Peeled and sliced in ½” thick slices
1 Cup Chicken Broth
1-1 ½ Cups milk or cream
2-3 Large Lemon Myrtle Leaves

2-4 Pork loin ¾” thick slices, or Chicken Breasts B/S
Garlic powder
Onion Powder
Salt and Pepper
¼ Cup Macadamia mountain pepper oil.( Olive oil can be used, but not as tasty)

Macadamia mountain pepper oil is available from Australian exporters.

Make the white sauce (roux) by melting the butter. Remove from heat. Whisk in the flour. Add the milk, cream, and chicken broth. Place on medium flame until it starts to bubble; turn to very low. Add cucumber slices and the lemon myrtle leaves. Simmer on very LOW HEAT UNTIL THE CUCUMBER FALLS APART. Blend into the sauce for a smoother sauce, or leave the chunks.

Sautee the pork or chicken in the macadamia – mountain pepper oil until done, but first sprinkle with garlic salt/powder, onion powder, and salt and pepper. When done to your liking, remove meat to oiled oven proof casserole dish, pour white sauce over the meat, and bake for 20-minutes at 350. Or simply pour sauce over the vermicelli and meat and do not poach.

Serve with garlic bread.


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